Sunday, April 25, 2010

Whisper Blue

This morning in church the pastor reminded us that everyone has a guardian angel who walks beside us and guides us as we go through life. Now, I've never been one to believe in white flowing robes and beautiful outstretched wings (though I do love the art). Earlier this morning a new blogger friend attributed his incredible artistic talent to his angels.
It came to me this evening, as Whisper was doing his rounds, checking all the doors, and tucking the family in, that I do indeed have a living guardian angel in my life. No one gives me a safer more loving acceptance than this dog. I am very grateful. love Sam


  1. What a great post! I have a guardian or 2 waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for me. Beautiful pup!

  2. Our lives are definitely enriched by the love of our four-legged family members. I have quite a few waiting at that Rainbow Bridge too and know the blessing their lives bring. He's a beautiful guardian angel!
